About Dancing Butterfly Art and Laurie Pollack

The butterfly is my animal guide and symbolizes, to me, transformation and joy in the moment.

Laurie Pollack is a poet, SoulCollage(r) facilitator, and love to play with words, acrylic paint, collage, air dry clay, and combinations of these.

I see myself as a solitary explorer on my own creative journey and also as a creativity catalyst who wants to work together with women to create a gentler, more compassionate world through our creative energy.

I am inspired by Brighid, goddess of poetry, healing and crafts, am a priestess of Mystai of the Moon, a women’s feminist spiritual group, and a solitary practitioner in Reclaiming, an earth based spiritual path which connects spiritual work and political activism for healing the earth.

Are you ready to find and explore your creative flame? Let’s journey together!

Contact me at: webpoet1@aol.com

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